Saturday, August 29, 2009

Warrior Camp Connections

Ellenville, New YorkImage via Wikipedia

To all Warriors.
We drive a few hours or for some it's many and gather at a place called Ellenville NY for a camp. Were told it would help us become stronger and countless other attributes that define our future. We gather in a conference room over 300 strong and listen to the facilitator as he begins to teach us sound and life changing information like the thoughts that served us 10 years ago don't serve us now. They say we will become friends and make many contacts and we look around at a room full of strangers saying to ourselves "what in the world is he talking about". Yet almost 5 days later through trials and challenges and many information sessions we crossed countless boundries and became close to people who we didn't even know their name days earliar. You can't be the same person that started out and for someone who is reading this post it's not about religion or cults because because religion never mentioned. We are about growth and finding our path in life with grace and courage. In 5 days we saw the very best in people come out and all of us overcame many obstacles in this window of time. Some learned to forgive while others learned to lead and for me I learned to celebrate. As was said we criticize ourselves long before we give praise, well give praise and have fun because the universe will deliver all the good things we expect and more. What we have become is connected by this event so there are friendships that will last a lifetime as a result. I could not be more proud and grateful to have shared this time with all of you and thank you for lesson I've learned.
Warriors be strong and true to your heart.
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